
The conference will start Tuesday, September 6, 2011, in the morning
and finish on Saturday, September 10, in the early afternoon.

All participants are invited to the Welcome Reception, co-sponsored by Soft Matter, which will take place on Monday, September 5, 2011, from 18:00 to 21:00 in the Arcades (Arkadenhof) close to the registration area in the main building of the Universität Wien. 

Registration starts on Monday, September 5, 2011; on this day, the conference office is open from 15:00-20:00. The registration desk and the conference office are located in the Aula of the main-building of the Universität Wien.

The Conference Book, containing the detailed program and the abstracts of all plenary, keynote and contributed oral presentations as well as the list of all posters, is available.

Poster Abstracts are now also avaliable.

Conference program

Click on the program below to download it as pdf-file.

A more detailed program is available here.


Poster program

Posters will be on display according to the following time schedule:

Tuesday, September 6: 

         Session  2: Water, solutions and reaction dynamics  
         Session  9: Non-equilibrium systems, rheology, nanofluidics
         Session 10: Biofluids, active matter

Wednesday, September 7:

         Session  5: Colloids

Thursday, September 8: 
         Session  7: Confined fluids, interfacial phenomena
         Session  8: Supercooled liquids, glasses, gels

Friday, September 9:

         Session  1: Ionic and quantum liquids, liquid metals
         Session  3: Liquid crystals
         Session  4: Polymers, polyelectrolytes, biopolymers 
         Session  6: Films, foams, surfactants, emulsions, aerosols

The list of all posters will be available in the conference booklet and on the webpage of the conference.

Poster boards are 200 cm high and 100 cm wide. Adhesive tapes will be provided to fix the posters. Posters should be mounted in the morning and dismounted in the evening. Posters that have not been dismounted in time will be removed by the organizers.

NEW: Poster prizes

The three best posters presented by young researchers at the Liquid Matter Conference will be awarded with poster prizes sponsored by Soft Matter. Prize winners, selected by the International Program Committee, will receive a certificate, an online subscription to Soft Matter, and will be featured on the Soft Matter webpage. The poster prizes will be awarded on Saturday, September 10, at 10:30 preceding the first plenary lecture.

8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011 | Boltzmanngasse 5  | 1090 Vienna